First of all thanks for visiting the new look GMC website and many thanks to Steven and his team at MOSHA for the design and build, we love it.
To Zwift, or not to Zwift, that is the question.
Winter has arrived in New Zealand and many of us have again blown the cobwebs off our smart trainers and fired up our hibernating Zwift accounts.
Wind training has come along way in the last few years and at GMC we've embraced the change. With programs like Zwift, Trainer Road, and PerfPro there really is no reason to go out in the dark and get soaked with quality and entertaining indoor training right at your finger tips.
As part of our coaching process we use the Today's Plan platform to deliver our training schedules, these can even be ported straight across to Zwift so you can ride your pre-set power and/or Heart Rate zones in the exact way that your coach intended... awesome huh?
I used to be super old school and train in the rain anyway, but in those days I had all day to train, recover and clean my bike, these days I'm just like everybody and have to work, train, fit in family time, etc so my training time is precious. Zwift allows me to make the most of my time with every minute used efficiently.
If you are a bit more competitive there's Zwift racing and you can even meet your mates for a social spin and communicate via the mobile app or keyboard in real-time.
So whilst I don't believe that Zwift should ever replace good quality training in the outdoors it certainly has a place in cycling and will only continue to grow in popularity.
To Zwift, or not to Zwift?.... Zwift for sure.
Did you know GMC Cycling stock Elite Smart Trainers?
The Elite Direto and Elite Zumo are our biggest sellers.
Every smart trainer purchased from GMC Cycling will receive a free personalised one month training schedule written and designed by Gordon himself.

All content here is copyright of GMC Cycling ©2019